Fusion: Quote #20: Shoes and Love

Monday, July 17, 2006

Quote #20: Shoes and Love

"SHOPPING for shoes is much like finding love. Don't try to fit it if you're not going to buy it. Because when it feels great and you realize that you don't have enough to buy it, you'll just regret having ever tried them on.

Don't buy it if you have reservations. You judge the best pair according to your criteria because you will be the one to wear it everyday. And when you finally get the perfect pair, and you know you just can't do without this pair, go with your good feeling before you actually regret when somebody else buys that shoe..."

-from a text message, 7/15/06

I do not totally agree to what this message is trying to convey BUT, I am sure that it has some truth in it.

First, I do not agree that if you are not going to buy the shoes, you are not to fit them. How would you know you would want to buy them if you don't fit them in the first place? How would you know if they look good on you or if they match the shirt or jeans you would want to wear with them if you don't try them on? If you do not have the money now, well tough luck, but you may always save and buy them at a later time if you really want them.

How does this compare to love? I think getting into a relationship is similar to what I have said on buying shoes. You wouldn't know if you would like to be with a person forever if you will not get into the relationship - to share experiences, things, sacrifices, togetherness. But then again, I also believe that you should not go into a relationship just for the heck of it or the thrills and pleasures of having someone to call your "own". It just doesn't make sense and is plainly UNFAIR to the other party to make him/her think that you love him/her when all you actually wanted is to have someone to display to the people around you.

Second, when a shoe feels great and you want it but do not have the money to buy it, you may regret having tried them on but you can always go back and purchase them at a later time when you have the means. Love is not like it. I cannot explain in great detail why I do not like this part but I just feel that it is incomparable to what love is, given this situation. One thing I can say is, in love, there should not be any regret, only memories to cherish. I remember reading one time that you should not be sad when love has ended, rather, you should smile coz it happened. I rest this case.

I like the second paragraph far better than the first. When you finally feel that that "someone" in your life is the person you would want to spend eternity with, you should not let that person slip away, or pass you by. Spend time. Laugh together. Go to the movies. Travel. Be together as often as you can. Talk. Have coffee. Eat together. Don't let go of the chances, because if you do, you will never get back what you lost.

Goodnight. ;)


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