Fusion: 'As I jumped off the building...'

Friday, July 14, 2006

'As I jumped off the building...'

Funny, how sometimes we feel we are the worst person in this world and how we look at ourselves as the loneliest and most miserable being that walks this earth. Think again...

My mom sent these pictures to me today via email and I just want to share them to everyone. Life is precious. Are we better off than others?

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So, c'mon, let's have coffee.
Don't even try doing doing the same foolish mistake, ok?


Blogger Sayote said...

Hi just dropped by.. I like the images... or comics... :) made me realize one thing... just be thankful for what i have now.. :) the comics was witty enough to make me realize that all people have their share of life's little antagonistic ways... and I shouldn't feel bad with mine :) well, as they say, keep on blogging.. have a nice day :)

Thu Jul 20, 06:17:00 AM GMT+8  

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