Fusion: When Candles No Longer Burn

Thursday, August 03, 2006

When Candles No Longer Burn

When feelings start to fade, like diminishing stars at night, a once beautiful relationship must end. Breaking away from a love you thought would last has finally come.... It happens. And it cannot be avoided. An early break-up is better than continuing a relationship that is dearly bound to end... to people hopelessly in love, to marriages vowed to eternity and to friendship where friends are sworn to forever. And when feelings are concerned, a greater risk is involved.

As an observer, I came across a lot of people fighting for survival over their feelings... not from poverty or fame but from the disheartening absence of affection... when the other partner no longer gives the kind of love he is supposed to give the other. In moments when you need someone to talk with or someone to give hand, there will always be one to heed the call. He may be a close friend, a classmate, an officemate, a neighbor or even a stranger who pops out of nowhere and just happens to be around to give advice. And one thing is certain, that person promises the kind of support when everything is going the wrong way.

And what more to those who have broken away from a relationship founded by love, strengthened by experience and bounded by faith.

Some couples breakup not because the other one is cheating on the other or a serious argument and a misunderstanding arose. The relationship ends because the feelings have died down to a certain extent that reconciliation is deemed impossible. The candle that used to give them light no longer burns and the time has finally come for that candle to melt, just be blown away by the wind.

Sometimes, it is less painful for the one who losses the affection gradually because he is separating with a willing heart unlike the one being "dumped" who'll take it as a blow to her already disheartened heart. But no matter what the consequences are, no matter how hard it is to accept, LET GO!!

Love always comes to a point of unraveling the truth behind it. And it is surprising to realize that what you thought is love never really was. Like dead stars we thought shine at night but in reality are just heaps and craters of dust and soil. And before you know it, something you thought existed never really did. But as always, it is better and wiser to hold on to the truth that love is gone than brood about something unworthy to last. It's like ending the love story of another fool in love.

It is true when they say that love never easily gives up. But it is only when the thin line that still binds the love is present and felt. Letting go does not mean giving up. It means giving someone a chance to open the doors of love again, to help you stand after a fall. It is also giving yourself the chance to experience what you really deserve. Since losing love is part of a living, always take it as a challenge to overcome the painful memories behind.

It is hard and very much painful at first. Letting go of a relationship and accepting that love is gone is painful. But think of it as a sign that a stronger love will always come along. Because after all, that's what loving is really all about.


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