Fusion: Quote #24: Double Life

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Quote #24: Double Life

"For years I've lived a double life.
In the day I do my job, I ride the bus,
roll-up my sleeves with the ___________.
But at night, i live a life of exhilaration.
Of missed heartbeats and adrenalin.
And, if the truth be known, a life of dubious virtue.
I won't deny, I've been engaged in violence, even indulged in it.
I've maimed and killed atrocities and not merely in self defense.
I've exhibited disregard of life, limb, and property
and _________ every man. You may not think it to look at me,
but I have commanded armies and conquered worlds.
And though, in achieving these,
I have set morality aside, I have no regrets.
And though I have lived a double life,
I can say I have lived."

I read the words in this ad from somewhere a long time ago and I really liked it. I didn't know that it's from Playstation until a friend told me today. I tried to transcribe the words from the video and I came up with the above. Forgive me for the wrong ones. I tried my best. I will have to get back to my friend for the correct words (I accidentally closed the window when you posted the words. Hehehe.. Squall heeelllppp!!!)

The :60 video is downloadable, simply follow these instructions:

Right-click on the title of this post.
Select "Save Target As".
Save the file. Open.

If you want to view more of the Top 10 ads from Playstation over the last 10 years, click here.


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