Fusion: Shout Outs @ 26 - ME

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shout Outs @ 26 - ME

And so it came to pass, i turned 26 on a rainy day (for four years in a row, it always does - blessings!!!) of August 11. This year, the day fell on a Friday which is actually better, or the best, for how many years now since I've been celebrating it on weekdays for the past years.

Out of all the tons (yes, "tons") of messages, forwarded quotes, witty self-made messages, picture messages and MMS' I received during the 24-hour stretch (and some still managed to remember me until Sunday), below are my top three choices for this year's, unedited (and uncut), "bash" messages.

Note: No discrimination or favoritism. These messages just got me. But thanks to everyone who greeted me that day - before, or even after. As long as you did, I appreciate it so much!!!

Caloi, 12:15am 11.08.2006

aLwaYs mAke ur aBsnce feLt, in sUch a wAy dAt sumbdy miSses u, bt let nt ur aBsnce b so long dt sumbdy strts leArning 2live w/Out u. HAVERDEY BOI!

DJ Melvin, 8:13am 11.08.2006

Ages are not dates in time: but states of mind. Our duty is not to add years to our lives but to add life to our years, Enjoy Aging! it colors our life & hair. Hapi Bday

and the number one (drum roll please...)

Menzi, 10:26pm 11.08.2006

Bef0re this Joyous day ends, i would like to give u a warm hug and a kiss and to tell you hw much i appreciate you and your friendship. U're the best u knw dat ryt? NO matter how 'shameless' you are, there's no other 'earvin mendoza' who will always make my day. =) have fun... U myt be an0ther year older but l0oks a year younger, keep those 'sexy' l0oks and i wish to have m0re 'coffee' night outs with you! =) happy happy birthday.

Much thanks to everyone who made the day so special. You know who you are - named and unnamed. I hope you recognize yourselves and how much you mean to me, just by looking at me now. You made me become what I am (mush).

Btw, to my ever-reliable high school and college buds, thanks for making the day so special for me. "A miss dakayu bugok!!!"


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