Fusion: 7/1/06 - 8/1/06

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Your Winter by Sister Hazel

Formed in 1993, Sister Hazel is an acoustic jangle-pop band based in Gainesville, Florida, featuring vocalist/guitarist Ken Block, guitarist/vocalist Andrew Copeland, lead guitarist Ryan Newell, bassist Jeff Beres, and drummer Mark Trojanowski. The group released an eponymous debut in 1994 before moving to the majors for their second album, Somewhere More Familiar, in 1997. The track "All for You" topped the adult alternative charts that summer, nearly reaching the pop Top Ten as well; its success pushed the album to gold sales status and a Top 50 chart position. Sister Hazel returned in the summer of 2000 with the follow-up album Fortress.
~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, All Music Guide

Artist: Sister Hazel
Album: Fortress
Title: Your Winter

The grey ceiling on the earth
Well it's lasted for a while
Take my thoughts for what they're worth
I've been acting like a child

In your opinion, and what is that?
It's just a different point of view

What else can I do?
I said I'm sorry, yeah I'm sorry.
I said I'm sorry , but what for?
If I hurt you then I hate myself
Don't want to hate myself, don't want to hurt you
Why do you choose your pain?
If you only know how much I love you, love you

I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
We can be forgiven
I will be here

The old picture on the shelf
Well it's been there for a while
A frozen image of ourselves
We are acting like a child
Innocent and in a trance
A dance that lasted for a while

You read my eyes just like your diary,
oh remember, please remember
Well, I'm not a beggar, but what's more
If I hurt you, then I hate myself
I don't wanna hate myself, don't wanna hurt you
Why do you choose your pain?
If you only knew how much I love you

I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
We can be forgiven
I will be here


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Quote #23: Forgotten

"AND so, I'm willing to fall...
Willing to fall over the edge of the cliff...
Willing to fly without wings...
to reach the euphoric heights of love.
And even if I'll find myself lost, alone and unloved,
I will not regret a single moment
because in the end, it's not how much I was loved,
but how I have given myself to someone completely
and how I loved crazily, and selflessly let go
of a love that was not meant to be."

-FORGOTTEN by Kiera Smith
-from a text message, 7/26/06

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Quote #22: Conquering Your Fears

"THE important thing is not to be bitter over life's difficulties.
Learn to let go of the past and recognize that
everyday won't be sunny and if you find yourself
lost in darkness and despair, remember --
it is only in the black of night that you can see the stars
and those stars will lead you back home.
So don't be afraid to make mistakes,
to stumble, to fall...
Because most of the time,
the greatest rewards come from
doing things that scare you the most."

- from a text message, 7/15/06

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Quote #21: Soulmates

"SOULMATES can never be found
by grasping every hand you see
and testing if your hands fit together
nor are they make believe.
But it's that someone
who stares back at you
at the other side of life
when you stare into space
and lose consciousness
on everything around you,
then you feel a few seconds
of what eternity means..."

- from a text message, 7/18/06

Monday, July 17, 2006

Quote #20: Shoes and Love

"SHOPPING for shoes is much like finding love. Don't try to fit it if you're not going to buy it. Because when it feels great and you realize that you don't have enough to buy it, you'll just regret having ever tried them on.

Don't buy it if you have reservations. You judge the best pair according to your criteria because you will be the one to wear it everyday. And when you finally get the perfect pair, and you know you just can't do without this pair, go with your good feeling before you actually regret when somebody else buys that shoe..."

-from a text message, 7/15/06

I do not totally agree to what this message is trying to convey BUT, I am sure that it has some truth in it.

First, I do not agree that if you are not going to buy the shoes, you are not to fit them. How would you know you would want to buy them if you don't fit them in the first place? How would you know if they look good on you or if they match the shirt or jeans you would want to wear with them if you don't try them on? If you do not have the money now, well tough luck, but you may always save and buy them at a later time if you really want them.

How does this compare to love? I think getting into a relationship is similar to what I have said on buying shoes. You wouldn't know if you would like to be with a person forever if you will not get into the relationship - to share experiences, things, sacrifices, togetherness. But then again, I also believe that you should not go into a relationship just for the heck of it or the thrills and pleasures of having someone to call your "own". It just doesn't make sense and is plainly UNFAIR to the other party to make him/her think that you love him/her when all you actually wanted is to have someone to display to the people around you.

Second, when a shoe feels great and you want it but do not have the money to buy it, you may regret having tried them on but you can always go back and purchase them at a later time when you have the means. Love is not like it. I cannot explain in great detail why I do not like this part but I just feel that it is incomparable to what love is, given this situation. One thing I can say is, in love, there should not be any regret, only memories to cherish. I remember reading one time that you should not be sad when love has ended, rather, you should smile coz it happened. I rest this case.

I like the second paragraph far better than the first. When you finally feel that that "someone" in your life is the person you would want to spend eternity with, you should not let that person slip away, or pass you by. Spend time. Laugh together. Go to the movies. Travel. Be together as often as you can. Talk. Have coffee. Eat together. Don't let go of the chances, because if you do, you will never get back what you lost.

Goodnight. ;)

Friday, July 14, 2006

'As I jumped off the building...'

Funny, how sometimes we feel we are the worst person in this world and how we look at ourselves as the loneliest and most miserable being that walks this earth. Think again...

My mom sent these pictures to me today via email and I just want to share them to everyone. Life is precious. Are we better off than others?

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So, c'mon, let's have coffee.
Don't even try doing doing the same foolish mistake, ok?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

[>>] Fast Forward

I like the weather today - it's cold and rainy outside. Perfect for relaxation, a lot of cuddling and just lying in bed. Well, I don't have anyone to cuddle with, so scrap that idea. It's been raining all night since yesterday and I kinda like the idea of just staying at home, watching tv and talking on the phone. But heck, it's so not me.

There are days that I just wanna bum around the house or go out with friends, hang out wherever and do nothing productive. But when I realize how much time (and money) I'd waste doing that, I'd rather not. Though I still spend a good amount of fortune (hah!) on relaxation and fun, I still know that I'm doing that to reward myself and take a piece of my hard-earned money to save myself from going nuts. So I go gallivanting.

Two days ago, I received a phone call from one of my previous clients who now works for two different call centers in the metro. She is the fiance of my client in the company that I currently work for (fyi - both of them were previously my clients but the girl moved out). She recommended me to her present company's VP to be her Assistant Manager in the two call centers that they operate (good stuff, why not?!). She asked me if I am available any day of the week for an interview since Tim (the VP) will be leaving the country on Saturday. And so I told her, "certainly not Tuesday or Thursday because I have important meetings on those days" (which incidentally, are meetings with his fiance - my client). "How about Wednesday @9pm?", she said. Without second thoughts, I said "Sounds good."

Today is that day. Rainy and gloomy. Perfect for relaxation, a lot of cuddling and... kzzzttt! Drop that idea, altogether. I am going. I am chasing this opportunity and going the extra mile. Whatever the future holds for me, I am willing to embrace. I just realized that there are a lot of good things life has to offer. And life never ceases to present opportunities to help us be better persons and live better lives. I also realized that there are people who believes in me. There are people who appreciates me for what I am and for what I have been when I was with them. And for this, I will be forever grateful.

I may not make it to this company considering the fact that there may be better persons, more qualified than I am. I am aware of that reality. But I will do my very best to show everyone what I am made of, and why I deserve to be where I want to be. It's a date.

I am looking forward to this day with great enthusiasm and faith in myself and with other people. I am looking forward to something that could change my life - forever. If I don't make it, I will definitely try again. Maybe in some other place, some other time and some other venue. And I will definitely not stop from reaching my dreams.

And if I do make it, I will see you. And I will reach my hand out for you to shake.
Congratulate me. I deserve it don't I? Teehee.

Goodluck Earvin!!! Show them what you got!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Quote #19: Bravery and Patience

"ALL of the things in
life change

it happens with
valid reasons

so if you doubt
why things happen to you,

stick to this:

we can never learn
to be brave and

if there's only joy
in the world.."

Why, then, are there people who give up inspite of much love?
If love is patient, why do I know of people who surrenders?
Is it because they loved less? Is it because they got tired of waiting?

Maybe it isn't just love after all. Or maybe love is just not enough reason to stay.
Why do some people set each other free, and the reason for this is love?


Friday, July 07, 2006


I'd like to officially mark this date as the start of a promise to myself to stay fit. No more extra carbs on my diet. No more excess fat and sugar, more fruits and natural juices. Aaaand, exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.

Ughhh. I hope I survive this whole ordeal to look and feel good. And so I declare this day as a personal day of genesis. I don't need luck. I know that self-discipline will help me through. So still, goodluck to me.

Hahaha, did I just contradict myself?

Btw, I haven't taken my latest stats so I have no idea where I am starting at and what I REALLY need to lose (or gain). I will do that this weekend and don't you worry, I will let the whole world know (whoever visits here and read this) the real scores, in whole honesty.

I hope I can do this. Spell determination.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quote #18: Eternity

I rarely comment on the quotes that I post here. Not that I don't have anything to say about them, rather, I would like to leave the thinking to you. Not that I don't want to share a piece of my mind either. Like I've been saying, If you ask me, I will share a piece of my thoughts with you.

This particular message was sent to me tonight by a friend's current partner. I can't help but include it on my "Hall of Fame" of quotes that I liked or which struck me. I definitely think it should be in here. I love it, so here it goes:

"THERE are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving, no matter how hard they try. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, or even believe it, but trust me, there are some love that don't go away. And maybe that makes them crazy, but we should all be lucky to end up with that somebody who has a little of that insanity. Someone who never lets go. Someone who cherishes you forever."