Fusion: 6/1/06 - 7/1/06

Friday, June 30, 2006

Quote #17: Appreciation

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
So, love the people who treat you right,
forget about the ones who don't.
Believe that everything happens for a reason.
Know a good thing when you see it,
and don't let it slip away.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it."

Celebrations of Life

My heart is singing, that is to say the least. =) In a few hours, I am off to a great weekend. Lotsa things will be going on for me in the next few days and I am REALLY, well, excited.

Event #1
Two of my friends celebrated their birthdays a couple of weeks ago and they decided to do their "bash" this Saturday and have a pool party. A not-so-cool idea if you ask me, specially because the rainy season is here, but what the heck?! It ain't too late to catch the last few "heats" of the sun and take a dip in the pool. Besides, who says we need sun for a pool party to rock?! The booze, your friends and FOOOoood are all you will need for the party to be one hell of a good time. Take a picture. ;)

Event #2
One of my female friends way back in HS celebrated her birthday on June 28. The day being a weekday, we were not able to meet up with our other "corporate" friends to do what we do best - EAT. So, after too much texting and voting on where to spend LJ's birthday, the results went out courtesy of our Attorney friend - Greenbelt @7pm on Sunday, 7/2. I suggested we watch Superman Returns before or after we eat @IMAX but I forgot one thing - this girl friend works at Ayala Land and she won't patronize IMAX over their premiere Ayala cinemas. I rest my case. An Ayala cinema it will be. Wherever...

Event #3
I work at a US based call center. July 4, being a national holiday, is a non-working day. Well for some though, since the call floor should be manned in FULL FORCE (in full HR language). This year, the day falls on a Tuesday so they declared July 3, Monday, a holiday as well. Sweet. And so I get the chance to use my vacation leaves and spend the days gallivanting where I wanna be. I am not giving much details on this. Ask me, I'll decide then if I'll tell you. ;)

So, it is official. In 3 hours I will be out from work and free from the worries of the corporate world. 5 days!!! ahhhhh... sweeet!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Quote #16: Sweetest Love

I rarely watch romantic movies, but when I do, they surely knock me off my feet, literally... I am lucky enough to get to chance upon good romantic movies. Not the so-mushy kinda type but those which have lots of suffering in them. Hahahaha... Those where one of them either dies or ends up with someone else but they still love each other - beyond distance, beyond time and beyond death.

Anyway, this post is not related to romantic movies. I just felt like telling you that stuff.
Here's another quote for y'all:

In love, we all take risks.
We all fall down.

But you shouldn't be scared
to go a little further,
or a little crazier...

Coz in the end,
the sweetest love
is the one that made you
lose control.

Sweet... =)
Happy Weekend!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

In Full Swing

Life has a lot to offer. I am not shutting down myself in solitary confinement. I am going out there, meet people, enjoy life to its fullest and try to be the best person that I can be. I will explore the world in all its grandeur. I want to be able to say to myself at the end of the day that I have lived a better life, and I have made someone's life better.

So, yeah. I can say that I am back. And I am happy. Dunno if the approval of my vacation leave on the 30th and the 3rd of July has something to do with this. But I can guarantee myself that I feel better today. It is such a wonderful morning!!!

I have a friend who works so hard that he barely has time to go out. We've never been able to hang out for the past weekends (I lost track how many). He's so tired from working all week long (14 freaking hours everyday) and he even works during Saturdays. But last week (finally!) he sent me an SMS telling me to plan for a vacation in early September (his commitments are all lined up until August). So, I am now working on finding a suitable place where we'd spend our self-declared holidays. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Away from work, stress and problems... from it all.

We all deserve some time with ourselves, with the closest person(s) in our hearts. To have a good laugh, a good conversation and a wonderful time. We all need to reward ourselves for working so hard and for being able to provide for our own needs. Moreso, for being able to assist our family's needs even in the most simplest way that we can.

I will go wherever my feet will take me.
I will take every opportunity I get to explore the world.
I vow to always be happy and look for the brighter side in every situation.

I believe in life - in all its beauty and madness.
In love.
In hope.
In God.

I believe he wants me to be happy.
God, I promise, I will be.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wait or Go (v2)

**From a post dated 5/11/2005...

My patience, will power and self-control are being put to the ultimate test for the past few days...

How do I bear?
How do I compete when my conscience tells me not to?
How do I let you know what I feel when you don't even give a shit?
And if I get the chance to tell you, will you even care?

I am hurting.
I am trying my best to understand all these until they make sense.
I just want you to know that I am thinking of you everytime.

Will i stay?
Did I ever cross your mind today?
Did you even bother to tell me?

I am tired.
But that doesn't mean I am giving up.. on me.
I've got so much love to give.

I still love you.
I will always do.


Who Can Say Where the Road Leads?

I can't.
Can you?

I can make my own though.
Trust me.

Will you follow?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tides are a changing

Yesterday, I was feeling hopeful and happy.
Today, I feel lost in the abyss of confusion.
I feel like giving up anytime - and taking it back the moment I do.
My mind and heart are lost in a whirlwind.

Tell me what to do.
I know what to do.
I just don't want to do it.

I don't want to do it.

Quote #15: Falling Out...

"When you're in love,
never put yourself
in a situation where
you're not sure
where you stand
in a person's life.

Never assume, never expect.
So that if they choose to drop you,
you have enough strength
to move on."

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Quote #14: On Falling in Love

"You may find a thousand others

who laugh the same way...

smile the same way...

and even talk the same way...

If you find someone

who makes every heartbeat

worth every thump,

every rush,

and every release...

who makes you feel that way,

go ahead, Fall.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Quote #13: Madness

It is madness...

to hate all roses because you got scratched with one thorn.

to give up on your dream because one didn't come true.

to lose faith in prayers because one was not answered.

to give up on your efforts because one of them failed.

to condemn all of your friends because one of them betrayed you.

not to believe in love because someone was unfaithful or didn't love you back.

to throw away all your chances to be happy because you didn't succeed on your first attempt.

I hope that as you go on your way, you don't give in to madness.

To you, who I have committed the madness of hating all roses because some friends I knew got scratched with one thorn, I am deeply sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to hurt you.

I hope you find the space in your heart to forgive me.
I'll see you, somewhere, soon.

Friday, June 02, 2006

"Dear God" - Exhibit #1

Beginning this post is a series of letters from children, all over the world, to God. It's funny how children think.. full of truth and humor.

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