Fusion: Missing Home

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Missing Home

Last Friday, the first of September, I said goodbye to my old company. It was the end of a three year and seven months stay. I wish I could say it all felt good leaving the people I have learned to love and live with but it's not the case. I just wish I could've stayed longer or said my "goodbyes" sooner. But I did it all nice and sweet. Just a single email to everyone and a final look at the entire call floor I once called "home" and everything's gone but memories.

Now that I am in my new "home", I miss the old one so much. I moved 87 kms south from where I used to stay, left home and got an apartment where I could stay close to where I'll be. It's the risk I took in the name of career advancement. The price that I have to pay, I guess, for all the things that are (or I think) "better".

I am on my third day of work. It's a struggle coping up with going around the place and dealing with strangers. I'm keeping up, trying my best to fit in so quickly or just get used to all of it. It's a big world out here away from the comforts of home and family. I promise I'll be fine though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are missing you as well :) goodluck and take care always...

Thu Sep 14, 11:12:00 PM GMT+8  

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