Quote #27: Dead Ends
They at least have the decency
to let you know
-from a goodnight quote, Caloi sent on 25.08.2006
And so it came to pass, i turned 26 on a rainy day (for four years in a row, it always does - blessings!!!) of August 11. This year, the day fell on a Friday which is actually better, or the best, for how many years now since I've been celebrating it on weekdays for the past years.
When feelings start to fade, like diminishing stars at night, a once beautiful relationship must end. Breaking away from a love you thought would last has finally come.... It happens. And it cannot be avoided. An early break-up is better than continuing a relationship that is dearly bound to end... to people hopelessly in love, to marriages vowed to eternity and to friendship where friends are sworn to forever. And when feelings are concerned, a greater risk is involved.
"For years I've lived a double life.