Fusion: Wait or Go

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Wait or Go

Have you ever been in a situation where you've been waiting so long for a person and in the end will dump you like shit? Fuck it.. will tell you what I think later..

Ok, here it is. I had the "rare" chance to not be busy today so let's start.

There's really a lot to talk about with regard to waiting. But first, let me tell you that I hate the waiting game. Like some freak, whether a friend who's late for a meet up or most specially when it's just someone that you need to wait for in front of the ATM machine or ticket booth, makes you wait for what seems like eternity. And even if, sometimes, it could be forgiveable it just plainly suck big time to have to wait.

In love, waiting has its highs and lows...

**today, 12/17 @1:13am, i noticed that i had left this post hanging.
my thoughts are completely lost and i can't continue this blogpost.
im posting it to record that i haven't finished this piece.
if you find it interesting, tell me. let's have coffee. =)


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