Fusion: 5/1/05 - 6/1/05

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

-=No Title Yet=-

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Give a title to this pic and win a HUG!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Sign

My friend is into horoscopes -- yeap. One time we were joking on how the stars affect and dictate a person's life. In reading her everyday "articles" about her sign, I found some to be related to what she was actually experiencing and thought if they were actually applicable in real life. That if she actually does what the "stars" told her to do, would it actually make her life better? Then I read the stars' description about her personality... found that most of the things written were actually describing the way i knew her.. now this is really getting interesting... So i browsed for my own "reading" and here's what the stars say about me based on my birthdate and where I was born...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com MERCURY IN LEO--Mercury in the signs gives clues to the kinds of concerns that occupy your mind, and reveals your psychological approach to making decisions and conveying your ideas to others. In Leo it bestows a strong will and a fixed purpose. You may have a dramatic and forceful manner of speech, and could be regarded by others as an authority on anything you address. You will have a mental self-confidence which is a positive asset when solving problems. You are able to see a continuity in planning and purpose, which can give you executive and administrative ability. Artistic pursuits are likely to be high on your interest agenda. You need to beware of tendencies to mental pride and arrogance. Learn to allow the rest of the world to follow.

Believe it...

Wait or Go

Have you ever been in a situation where you've been waiting so long for a person and in the end will dump you like shit? Fuck it.. will tell you what I think later..

Ok, here it is. I had the "rare" chance to not be busy today so let's start.

There's really a lot to talk about with regard to waiting. But first, let me tell you that I hate the waiting game. Like some freak, whether a friend who's late for a meet up or most specially when it's just someone that you need to wait for in front of the ATM machine or ticket booth, makes you wait for what seems like eternity. And even if, sometimes, it could be forgiveable it just plainly suck big time to have to wait.

In love, waiting has its highs and lows...

**today, 12/17 @1:13am, i noticed that i had left this post hanging.
my thoughts are completely lost and i can't continue this blogpost.
im posting it to record that i haven't finished this piece.
if you find it interesting, tell me. let's have coffee. =)

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Unkymoods - I Support!

This site is sooo kewl..

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Have Fun!!!

South bound

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Live at the Partyplace, City of San Fernando, PAMPANGA
9PM 05/07 +008 GMT.
Tickets at Php300 inclusive of one drink.

Pre-concert blah:
~not my number one filipino music artist but definitely worth the penny. (i didn't buy my own ticket anyway) a friend invited me to watch the concert with her and a bunch of other weirdos tagging along so it should be fun. it's a weekend, my rest day, away from the stress of work so what else should I do but make the most out if it. Here's the downside: I heard that most of my officemates and other people that I know in the company are going, so, seeing basically the same people you see at work doesn't make going there really interesting. I'll try my best to have fun though. Really...

See you there party people!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Full Circle

Now I'm back to my old blog face. I have tried so many different backgrounds and shit and I still ended up using my default layout.. ugh. I should try a li'l harder next time. I don't have the world's time to jez sit here and edit my blog for sum1 else's satisfaction (or reading pleasure for that matter) while I munch away on these kisses chochies (okay, that doesn't count) im blabbing.... tah tah.. i hufta sleep..

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Log #1: Mess Hall

Today, I messed up with my blog... I changed the background into what I think would be the perfect look, if only i knew how to manipulate the f*ckin html thingie.. (somebody pls help!!!) For the time being, I'll deal with its crappy look (kind of like makes me feel dizzy when I look at it).. And for you, my dear reader, i apologize for the inconvenience from my sheer "ignorance".. you may now navigate away from this page... 'Til next time!

Art & Artist

An attempt at becoming an artist..

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uhmmm, not quite like what i imagined...
gud enuf?! craP!!!

My mom freaked out when she saw I have this upon arrival from the beach with a bunch of friends... didn't know it was henna...

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