Fusion: One Good Day Coming Up!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

One Good Day Coming Up!

1st day of the work week and i already feel wasted. let me tell you how my life went over the weekend...

il start by telling you that my day usually starts at 7pm, RP time. yes, i work at night. around that time i wake up, brush myself off from slumber and convince myself to go to work. yes, nowadays it takes a lot of pushing and dragging myself to work. i guess everybody feels like that on some days. this week, i feel exactly just like that.ok, so we're going far from my weekend story let me begin...

last saturday i went home at 3pm after spending 17 hours in the office infront of my computer, beside my telephone and watching over me was the fax machine. that day was my girl buddy's birthday. i promised her i would go to her li'l shindig at her place after sleeping from work. it happened that i was not able to get that sleep and i needed to go directly to her place after work which was about an hour from my workplace. (by the way, we happen to work for the same company but we don't have the same work hours. well, we used to but then i got somewhere else, a notch higher than her. hehehe! peace out gurl friend)

i realize im one of the lucky ones. then i complain no

i went to her place right after work, ate her sumptuous dishes and slept on her bed while waiting for our friends to arrive. that was 4pm. i woke up at 9pm. shared some stories and went home. i slept all day sunday and attended our company party come night time. went home the following day @4am. i spent the whole weekend basically with the same group of people. and last night (same day i went home from the party), at 10pm, iam back here again. sitting infront of my PC... doing my job. sometimes it sucks... but then it's my life. and i'm happy and thankful i have a job. life is so hard nowadays that even those who graduate with honors and from respected schools are having a hard time landing on a good paying job. then i realize im one of the lucky ones. then i complain no more... i can greet the dawn, GOOD MORNING. then i feel fine...


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