Fusion: 10/1/05 - 11/1/05

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My Survey

I found this really interesting..
Hope you get back to me with your answers..
Copy and paste and just put "X" if you mean to say "YES" to any of these:

[_] go out with me?
[_] give me your number? (_ _ _) _ _ _- _ _ _ _
[_] kiss me?
[_] let me kiss you?
[_] watch a movie with me?
[_] take me out to dinner?
[_] let me drive you somewhere
[_] cut some rug with me?
[_] take a shower with me?
[_] be my bf/gf?
[_] have a fling with me?
[_] let me buy you a drink?
[_] buy me a drink?
[_] take me take u home for the night?
[_] let me sleep in your bed?
[_] Sing car karaoke w/ me?
[_] re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[_] give me a piggyback ride?
[_] Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere
[_] Lock me in your room and take advantage of me?
[_] lick my cheek?
[_] dance with me?
[_] let me make you breakfast?
[_] help me do homework?
[_] tickle me to death?
[_] let me tickle you?
[_] stick up for me if i was being put down?
[_] play strip poker with me?
[_] say yes if i asked you out?
[_] get wasted with me?
[_] instant message me?
[_] greet me in public?
[_] hang out with me?
[_] bring me around your friends?

D0 Y0U...
[_] think im cute?
[_] think im hot?
[_] want to kiss me?
[_] want to cuddle with me?
[_] want to hook up with me?
[_] want to have sex with me?

[_] acquiantances
[_] friends?
[_] in a relationship?
[_] gonna have kids?

AM i...
[_] smart?
[_] cute?
[_] funny?
[_] cool?
[_] loveable?
[_] adorable?
[_] compassionate?
[_] annoying?
[_] great to be with?
[_] attractive?
[_] mean?
[_] odd?
[_] liberated?
[_] openminded?
[_] kissable?
[_] great sex maker?

[_] thought about me?
[_] thought there might be an "us"?
[_] thought about hookin up with me?

Send it back to me with yoh answers...
Be waitin!

Friday, October 14, 2005


Image from www.inq7.net

We already know that Precious Lara Quigaman won the Ms International title in Japan a few weeks ago. What most of us don't know is the striking answer she gave on the question posted to her which she answered with so much grace and pride for ALL of us Filipinos. Here's how she introduced herself followed by the answer to the question:

"Mabuhay! Representing the democratic and freedom loving people of the pearl of the orient, I am precious LARA QUIGAMAN, from the beautiful country of THE PHILIPPINES"

The question:

Q: "What do you say to the people of the world who have typecasted Filipinos as nannies?"

The answer:
"I take no offense on being typecasted as a nanny. But I do take offense that the educated people of the world have somehow degraded the true sense and meaning of what a nanny is. Let me tell you what she is. She is someone who gives more than she takes. She is someone you trust to look after the very people most precious to you - your child, the elderly, yourself. She is the one who has made a living out of caring and loving other people. So to those who have typecasted us as nannies, thank you. It is a testament to the loving and caring culture of the Filipino people; And for that, I am forever proud and grateful of my roots and culture."

Now if that answer doesn't deserve a standing ovation from everyone who hears it, i don't know what else does. Proud to be NOYPI!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Quote #1: Not Quite

You're there, but not really.

You're mine, but not really.

I never really had you,

so I never really lost you.

I guess this is how we'll always be...

I have you...

You have me..

But then again...

Not really.

Quote, Unquote

Image hosted by Photobucket.comFollowing this post is a first on a series of quotes that I am planning to compile on this blogsite. These messages aren't really original--some may have been around for ages. The reason why I would like to post them here and have them hanging around is to have them handy when they are most needed. Be it inspirational, motivational, or what-have-you. These messages aren't, also, all neat and nice. Some are naughty and evil. These are my picks...